Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Memory Improvement Tips - A Picture Tells the Story

By Carmen S. Rivera

Are you struggling with your memory skills? Looking for easy memory improvement tips? Well, we have something for you to try. Since a good memory comes from various parts of your brain, let's use an approach that allows you to use one of your most highly developed senses.

Memory And Vision Memory is a by product of all of our senses. Think about it. We learn by touching, tasting, hearing, smelling, and seeing.Of the five, the most powerful in terms of memory and memorization is seeing. That's because for some reason, most people remember a picture better than written instructions.Think about driving for a moment. You know how to get to your local grocery store, right? Of course you do. There are a whole bunch of visual clues along the way, like the gas station on the corner where you turn left, the pizza place where you turn right, and the dry cleaners as you enter the shopping center.

Involving more senses into work It has been always seen that when we bring more senses into work, we can memorize better. That is why a visual learner can learn and remember more if he/she brings in the sense of color, rhythm or imagination into work. If you have noticed that you can remember a piece of dull text better when you are reading it loud, you are taking help from both visualizing and audible senses at the same time.

The basic premise is fairly straightforward, though. You need to create an image in your mind that associates with the person, place, or text you are trying to remember. It works great with remembering names.Here's an example. Let's suppose you meet someone and their name is Mike. Maybe you'll want to associate a picture of a microphone, a "mike", in your mind. And even though my own name is Jim, that's exactly how I remember guys named Jim... I associate a "gym" with their face. It might sound strange, but it works.How many times have you strained to remember something, only to lament, "It's right on the tip of my tongue!". That means you have the information in your brain but you can't access it. A great way to access information you need for a great memory is to associate an image with it. Train your brain to use your sense of vision and you'll be well on your way.The best memory improvement tips are the ones you find fun to do. Try keeping a positive attitude and mind at all times and you will reach your most farthest goals.Okay now when you're creating your own diet make sure to include fruits and vegetables everyday or at least 4-5 days a week!. Try to cut back on junk food and unhealthy food. Once in a while won't hurt but eventually you will learn how bad this type of food can be for your system.

There are various other ways that you can try to boost memory power. However, the primary important thing is always your own will power that will help you travel the road towards memory improvement.

Think of your brain as one of the most powerful muscles in your body, because in a sense it is. It may be an organ however, without it, where would one be? People spend tons of money yearly to workout in gyms, go to spas for relaxing massages, and do everything in their power to stay physically appearing young, however they fail to take the same care and consideration to the most powerful part of their body, their brain. Without exercising your brain, you will lose its powerful functioning that was the reason behind your success to maintain the job that enabled you to hit the gyms, spas, and other forms of treatments to stay looking young. That is your first tip in improving your memory, work the brain, or lose it.

So the next tip would be for you to try to make a work-out schedule for at least 4-5 days a week.It's time you create a little exercising routine and add it to your everyday schedule. Exercising at least 10 to 15 minutes a day everyday or at least 3 to 4 days a week is a great way to stay fit and keep a healthy mind along with a healthy body. For example on Monday you can do 10 to 20 jumping jacks which will probably take no more than 3 to 4 minutes and then you can do 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. Do this every morning, it will start your day in a good and healthy mood. You can switch it up a little and perform other exercises.

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