Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Guide On How To Increase Pitching Velocity

By Lela Perkins

The pitcher is one of the most important entities when it comes to the game of baseball because they will be the ones who will lead the front line of the team. That is why it is important for a pitcher to be able to know exactly how to increase pitching velocity. If he knows this, then he will be able to throw pitches that the batters will not be able hit.

Now when throwing a really good pitch, one has to remember that the entire body must be in motion during the whole time. This means that the torso, the shoulders, the hips, the hand, and the legs will all be moving at the same time. So the first thing that one should do is to condition his entire body equally.

Once one has studied the physics on how to correctly throw a ball, then he can now put it into practice. The first thing that he must do is to get used to throwing with a relaxed body. A tense body will only worsen the throw because being tense will make the body nervous and will not allow a fluid throw.

So for the details on how to pitch, one must first concentrate on his arms because this is the part that is directly in contact with the ball. The arms will create the rotational force to give it power. So whenever one prepares himself, he must pull the arm back so that when the ball is thrown.

From the arms, one must now make his way down to his upper body and lower body. His shoulders and his hips must be twisted at the right moment when he throws so that he can create extra power. Now remember that the twisting power of the entire body is extremely important because this is the main source of power.

The last part to concentrate on would be the force behind the leg power. Now notice that a lot of pitchers would lift their front leg up and quickly stomp on the ground the moment just right before they throw the pitch. The reason why they do this is because stomping on the ground will give the body extra power and thus create some extra force on the ball.

So if one would put all of these movements together, then he would be able to throw a good pitch. While smashing his foot on the ground, he must twist his entire body while swinging his arm rapidly in order to create the maximum force. At the very last second just right before releasing the ball, one has to twist his wrist and pull it back in order to create speed.

So as one can see, all the motions have to be done in just one movement. Of course the preparation for the throw will take a little bit of time but the smashing of the leg, the twisting of the body, the rotation of the arm, and the flick of the wrist takes just one second. As long as one knows how to increase pitching velocity, he will know how to do this.

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