Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rhino Rugs Really Do The Job

By Essie Osborn

Most horse or pony owners need a rug or two for their animals. Most owners like to have a warm winter turnout rug for the colder weather and a light weight summer turn out sheet. Using a rug helps to keep the animal clean and saves a lot of time grooming. Busy owners need to be able to ride without having to spend hours getting the mud and dirt out of the horses thick winter coat.

Every horse needs a tremendous amount of equipment. In addition to a saddle and bridle, they need grooming brushes, halters, ropes and at least one rug. When it is time to shop for a new horse blanket many owners turn to Rhino rugs. This company has been in business for a long time and is well known for their quality products and innovative designs.

One of the best places to shop for Rhino products is at the local tack store. They typically carry a wide range of rugs and anything else can be specially ordered. Owners may need something in a specific size that is not carried as standard. Particularly small and large sizes may not be stocked. However, most sales staff are more than happy to place and order and have the rug shipped in a matter of a few days.

The Rhino company was one of the first to realize the extent of the problems faced by horse owners. They also so that there was a huge amount of room for improvement. Instead of trying to fix each one of the problems they simply went back to the drawing board and totally redesigned the blankets from the ground up. This has led to a revolution in horse clothing. It is now much more successful and owners are loving the new products.

A good sheet will also help to keep the flies away in the summer. Flies can be a real nuisance and some horses are very sensitive. In addition a dark coated horse will often fade out if they are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Having a good quality summer turn out sheet also saves a tremendous amount of grooming time and effort. The owner many not have a lot of time to spare and riding has to be fitted in between all their other responsibilities. Not having to spend hours grooming is a real bonus.

Getting ready for a show takes a lot of time. The animal will have to be bathed and remain spotlessly clean. Having a show sheet is essential as this keeps all the dust and dirt from getting into the coat, mane and tail. It can take hours to get a horse show ready and all that work can be wasted in a matter of moments. Using the right run will not only keep the horse clean but also comfortable in the warm weather.

A horse who is being exercised in winter will need to be clipped. By removing the heavy winter coat the animal can be ridden and will not become excessively sweaty. However, to compensate for the lack of hair he will need a warm winter rug. The new breed of winter clothing is light weight, water proof, strong and machine washable. This combination of factors makes them much easier to take care of and keeps the animals much more comfortable.

Rhino is an outstanding company who have been at the fore front of horse clothing design. They have developed many new features such as Velcro fastenings, cross surcingles to prevent pressure points and nylon linings that prevent rubbing and help to keep the horses coat clean and shining.

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