Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to get Larger Forearms

By Juana Dillon

A challenge that many individuals face is growing their forearm proportions to equal their biceps and triceps. It can be a real struggle to not just get them big, but also proportional to the rest of your arm. There is possibly the issue of one arm being larger than the other due to the dominance of either your left or right arm.

Forearm Developing Exercises

The initial exercise is behind the back barbell curls. You need to use either a barbell rack, or fixed weight barbells for this exercise. For example purposes you will be at the barbell rack. Its is best not to use the Smith machine for this, except in cases where you do not have any option. Position the bar beneath your waist level to where you need to somewhat bend at the knees to grab the weight. Get your correct weight, and then grab the barbell, similar to how you would for back shrugs. With your arms hard pressed against your body for stability, move the bar upwards making certain you primarily use your forearms. Roll the bar back down and repeat. This is best performed x3 sets of x10-x15 repetitions.

Another exercise is the rotating wrist exercise. Grab a couple of low weight dumbbells that you can do x25 repetitions of. Whilst standing up simply just bring your arms up midway to where they are parallel to the floor at a 90 degree break in the elbow. From here, rotate your wrists inwards and outwards whilst holding the dumbbells. When carrying this out start to slowly lift your arms upwards and then downwards in a steady slow movement. By doing this, you are hitting all the muscles in your forearms and getting a real burn!

Another good forearm curl is done with dumbbells at the side while sitting or standing. Grab moderate dumbbells and simply curl your wrists as the weights are to your sides. These curls additionally reach the lesser recognised muscle groups in the upper arm, and that is an additional benefit.

Super Set with Biceps Routines!

A super set is where you perform another exercise immediately after a different exercise. In this example you may perform regular bicep curls, followed immediately by one of the forearm exercises listed above. Grab a barbell and place an almost heavy weight amount and perform the curls correctly. This means no using the back or legs to help you lift the weight. Immediately afterward, grab a lighter weight and perform the dumbbell wrist curls. This will give you a super burn and will make sure you are sore the next day!

Stretch your Arms!

Your arms are essential for pretty much every exercise you perform, and injuring one or both could cost you greatly. There are many muscle heads and tendons located on your arms that need stretching, and your biceps and forearms are the easiest to injure without stretching. Also make certain you keep your wrists mobile by rotating and stretching the joint. If you notice that either of your arms are starting to get bigger then use more weight on the under developed arm, and make sure you are watching your posture and technique. Poor technique can readily lead to under development, or even injury in your non-dominant arm.

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