Friday, June 10, 2016

Important Information On Weight Loss Marlborough MA Patients Need To Be Aware Of

By Anthony Mitchell

Losing weight is not always an easy task. It entails a painful process of giving up things that we enjoy so as to shed off those extra pounds. Lifestyle modification has, for many years, been the preferred option for solving this problem. It is only recently that the demand for surgical methods has gone up due to an increase in safety and improved outcomes. If they are trying to achieve weight loss Marlborough MA residents need to understand a number of things about the available methods.

Lifestyle options are usually the starting point. When you first see your doctor with a weight problem, they will advise that you improve on your diet by reducing the amount of fat and protein you consume and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. The number of servings per meal should be reduced progressively. Replace few heavy meals with smaller meals taken more frequently to avoid ending up with excess calories.

Physical exercise is the other major lifestyle intervention. Exercise helps breakdown excess calories and reduces their conversion into fat tissue. Some of the exercises that one can be undertaken include swimming, running, brisk walking and cycling. For persons that have not been exercising regularly, the activities can be started at a low intensity and increased slowly over time.

Surgery is usually done when lifestyle modification options are ineffective. Bariatric surgery is a term used to describe any operation that is used to reduce body weight. Examples of such operations include sleeve gastrectomy, lap-band gastric surgery and gastric bypass surgery. The type of operation chosen is determined by the nature of the problem. The operation may be considered as the first option in case there are already serious complications.

Lap band gastric surgery is among the commonest operations that are performed. The laparoscopic technique ensures that the surgery can be comfortably performed through minimal access of the abdominal cavity. The operation itself involves placing a silicon band onto one part of the stomach so as to compress it and reduce it in size. The band can be readjusted to alter the functional stomach capacity.

The manner in which sleeve gastrectomy leads to weight loss is the same as what occurs in the case of lap band surgery. The operation is performed by removing as much as 80% of the original stomach effectively converting the organ into a tubular (sleeve-shaped) organ. The main difference between the lap band procedure and sleeve gastrectomy is the fact that the former is reversible while the latter is not.

There are a number of cosmetic surgical operations that may also help in weight reduction. Tummy tuck is among those that have been very beneficial. It involves the removal of excess fat found in the abdominal wall (tummy) and tightening the skin simultaneously. Another important surgery in this category is liposuction which involves the removal of fat in different body parts such as buttocks, thighs, the neck and the abdominal wall.

It is important to remember that losing weight is not an event. Rather, it is a process that takes weeks, months or even years in some cases. Using more than one approach concurrently increases the chances of success. Surgery should be reserved for the most severe cases. Such will include patients that have or are at a very high risk of developing weight related complications such as gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hypertension, diabetes and sleep apnea.

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