Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Essential Knoxville Athletic Injury Safety Tips

By Samital Leah Zerna

Sports and other athletic activities are inherently risky for your whole body, especially the neck, spine, muscles and joints. You might want to seek advise from a Knoxville chiropractor for a minor sports injury, but prevention is always preferred. Follow some simple Knoxville athletic injury safety tips for sports related injuries.

Correct body conditioning is an essential part of any physical routine, and should be performed regularly as well as before participating in any activity. Proper conditioning of the body is known to help prevent injury or minimize the impact of any sustained injuries. Always warm up and perform regular stretching exercises. Don't forget to cool down after playing.

If you do sustain a minor sprain or strain, it is recommended that you apply "rest, ice, compression, elevation" to the injury. Use an ice pack to the injured area and hold it there until swelling is reduced. However, do not apply the ice pack for more than 20 minutes continuously, or further swelling and injury will result. If the swelling persists, seek help from your general practitioner.

Sports that are very competitive in nature present higher risks than less competitive sports, particularly for your children. Help them prevent injuries by ensuring that the sport is suited to your child's age and size. When playing any sport, make sure they are wearing the correct safety equipment, and always ensure your child has rested well beforehand. Warm up, stretching and cool down exercises should always be performed.

Proper diet and nutrition should never be overlooked as a part of good health and sports injury prevention. Minimize all fatty and fried foods as much as possible, and never overeat foods high in sugar. Drinking up to 10 glasses of water daily is an essential part of staying healthy, so always keep well hydrated.

Many sports related injuries happen to the neck or lower back. Sports of repetitive impact such as running and weightlifting pose the highest risk to the lower back, while contact sports such as football and soccer cause more neck injuries and head traumas. It is always important to follow the rules and correct techniques for each individual sport, to help prevent injuries.

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